Practice Management & Administration

We offer comprehensive patient management which includes appointment bookings, confirmations, payments, referrals, recalls, and communications. Along with a complete patient billing system including managing pre-payments, rebates, invoicing, receipting, and provision and maintenance of payment infrastructure.

Our in-house finance team is managed by full-time CPA-qualified Finance Manager, Shaun Laverty.  Shaun's team manages all patient billings, Medicare & private health rebates, as well as doctor billing and payments, employment entitlements, financial reporting, procurement systems, and expense control.



The practice is managed by the in-house MBA qualified business professional Leith Coulson who has over twenty years’ experience in front line health management. She directs and manages this multi-site, multi-discipline, geographically dispersed team, focusing on efficiencies and business growth. She oversees all aspects of staff and doctor management and support and is passionate about providing a seamless patient journey.

Evi Bitran is the Operations Manager who holds a Bachelor of Nursing, a Masters of Business, and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).  Evi has over 11 years experience in healthcare management and has a focus on accreditation, development, and maintenance of effective quality-based healthcare.




Marketing and business development is overseen by Sarah Pickup who has a Bachelor of Business and Marketing and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD).  Sarah directs the marketing strategy and the marketing team who coordinate all aspects of SEO, SEM, website design, development, & management, design/production of brochures & stationery, local area marketing, as well as events & education.





As the Business Support Manager Mariia Hinde assists in all aspects of business operations, focusing on efficiencies and compliance. She has a Bachelor of Health Science, a Masters in Health Service Management and has been working in healthcare related management for over 5 years as of 2023. She oversees the day to day operations by assisting doctors to provide expert clinical care while helping patients achieve the best outcomes. She is also studying nursing part-time to expand her skillset and further assist the clinical team.